Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Slightly Chalenged

So, yesterday was like one of the weirdest days I've had this school year. It was going OK and then it started to get a little strange. Or just a little bad. In 2nd period I was able to be very persuasive to my teacher so I can turn in my assignment late with no points docked! Lol, that's just part of it. I have learned that I can convince just about anyone of anything. In sixth period however... hoohoo! This is wonky. We talked about some weird stuff because one of my friends was looking at this book that explained how to be a body-builder. We saw a picture of Arnold Schwartzenegger and he looked like he had a blowup chest so we called him balloon-boobs, lol. :D And at the very beginning of class my other buddy was sitting in a chair (we were in the school library by the way) and we were talking. It went in to this conversation about shaving and her leg hair and stuff... just a little weird. Then all of a sudden I just asked out of the blue, "If I just let out a really big belch right now, what would you do?" Then she just burst out laughing, it was hilarious! I don't even know why I asked that question but it was sure funny, too her at least. Then, later we were sitting at a table with a bunch of friends and we started to get a little loud so I said, "guys, I think we should whisper." And I kept saying that about three times. Then our teacher comes over and gets all angry and points to one of the girls that was being the loudest and tells her to go over to the corner of the library, then he points to the other girl that she was talking to and told her to go to the other corner. Then (now this is just plain mean and maddening) our teacher points his finger at me and stares me down for a few seconds. Then he says, "you're next." It was soooo stupid! I was the one telling people to be quiet! Gr! Oh well, I don't mind so much today. :) It was funny because a few of my friends crawled on the floor to go talk to her. :)

1 comment:

Bronwidge said...

oh I was laughing so hard through all of this!! And I am telling you, its to keep them warm through the winter!