Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thinking about Twilight just makes me so sad. There are so many things that I wish were real, but of course they aren't. It's pretty depressing. And my little sisters don't help! One of my sisters has a poster of gorgeous Robert Pattinson plastered to her DOOR! Now every time I walk by, I almost cry! I swear his eyes like FOLLOW YOU EVERYWHERE! And my other sister reads the books over and over and she wants to hang up TWO posters in OUR room! I hate this! Ugh! Why can't it be real? Oh well. It is a fictional story. I think all of us have our own deep wants. But real life can be just as wonderful. It takes a whole lot of trying super hard work, though.


Bronwidge said...

you are too aloud to be happy! quit the sob story. You have had lots of fun and happy moments and you need to remember those.

life is to be enjoyed, not just endured! -president hinckley

Bronwidge said...

Post all the pictures you took today. PLEASE! something NEw!